Another Attack Part 1 - 2wks ago

Image Credit: Hey

I walked out of my room with a hand holding my phone and the other in my pocket. Taking slow strides towards the main exit, I looked into my phone. Angelina and I were going out for a date. I was checking on her to know if she was almost ready, so that I would go pick her up. 

I heard giggles from a passage that led to the garden and the plain lands. It was a familiar voice and I decided to go take a look.

I didn’t have to tip toe to keep my presence a secret, their joy was evident in their voices and their giggles were loud enough to mask the sound of my feet for a while. Besides, I was not one to drag my feet when I walk, so I turned to the passage while still holding my phone.

I stood at the beginning of the passage and looked down… I saw them. Hand in hand, her head was resting on his arm as they walked side by side, slowly as though they had time at their fingertips and could use it whenever and however they wanted to. Every now and then, after a few strides, she would tilt her head and look up to him with a smile. He too would in turn look down, since he was taller than her, almost as tall as I am, and he would smile back at her. There they were Barth and Summer

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