My Female Guard (part 2) - 1 month ago

Image Credit: My female guard


I grabbed the hem of his cloths quickly, “Not so fast mister,” he turned back giving me a playboy look. 

“There’s an empty room upstairs, you can have it for the night,” I offered when he turned to face me

“Oh no, I don’t want to impose,” he said turning down my offer with his hands in his hood pockets. 

“I insist,” I said firmly, pulling him inside since he was already at the door and locked the door. “Your life is in danger, I can’t have you roaming around the street alone, at this hour,”

“If you say so,” he finally agreed a letting out a deep breath.

“Come with me,” I gestured, leading him to the room.

After helping Conner settle in for the night, I went to check on my father, he too was asleep. I stood at a distance watching him sleep. He was suffering from stroke. When we found out about it, it had gotten very bad. 

I didn’t understand anything the doctor said the day we took him to the hospital after he fainted, all I heard was that he needed to go for surgery and the surgery would cost two hundred million dollars. 

I thought I was hearing thing, I made the doctor repeat himself but it was the exact amount I heard the first time. I pleaded with the doctor but he told me that if I wanted my father alive, well at least for another three to twelve months, I’d do my best to raise the money.

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