Image Credit: Totally unrelated, but I thought you need to snack to read this, who can relate?


Tola's eyes scanned the crowded room, her intuition screaming warnings. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off about him. Had he scammed her of her phone? Or was this some twisted prank?

Abuse had taught her to be cautious, yet she still fell for his charming smile. Was she imagining things? The memory of her latest Instagram post, flaunting her sleek new phone, lingered. Where was it now?

Just then, she made a leap of faith to call and there was a lot up object at her side, it was her phone. The one she thought was lost. Her heart skipped a beat as she picked up the big phone lying nearby. She recalled he had promised not to hurt her though a broken man.

It was me reading the affairs of Tola and a broken man.
I stared at page 106, triumphant. My story had unfolded perfectly, the ending satisfying. But as I gazed at the remaining 104 pages, my excitement deflated. What could possibly be more than her broken lover leaving for her to be happy?
Fatigue crept in, eyelids drooping, and my focus began to wane.

Why couldn't I possess a superpower to defy human limitations? To read tirelessly, unfettered by exhaustion or distraction?

But humanity is expensive. And somehow, we must pay the price for being human.

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