Somewhere In The North - 5 days ago

Image Credit: Some where in the north


In Northern Nigeria, the tradition of paying dowry, or bride price, is deeply ingrained. When a girl marries, the groom's family typically provides:

A house for the newlyweds ,A new wardrobe for the bride Sponsorship of wedding events
Coverage of all wedding expenses, including conveying the bride to her new home.

In return, the bride's family furnishes the new home and provides food for a specified period, known as "gara."

While this practice is widely accepted, it has become a competition among youths to outdo one another. Some families expect the groom to handle all expenses, while others share the responsibilities.

Jamila, the only male child in a family of seven, grew up surrounded by six sisters. He witnessed four of them go through this tradition, learning valuable lessons about responsibility, cultural heritage, and the economic implications of these practices.

As Jamila navigates his own relationships and potential marriage, he must balance tradition, personal values, and financial realities. Will he follow the expected norms or traditions.

Jamila grew up watching his mother lavishly furnish homes for his sisters' weddings. He dreamed of building a grand house, expecting his future wife to fill it with luxurious items. Jamila saved and built a four-bedroom apartment with foreign fixtures and tiles.

Seeking a wife from a wealthy family, he found Shemau, a beautiful woman from a high-status background. Assuming she'd furnish his house extravagantly, Jamila rushed into marriage without truly knowing her.

However, upon moving in, Shemau furnished only two rooms, with some expensive and some affordable furniture. Jamila felt betrayed, expecting more luxury items. Their disagreements escalated into insults, with Jamila calling Shemau a hypocrite for hiding her family's poverty.

One heated argument revealed Shemau's painful past: her stepmother controlled and sold off her father's gifts, leaving her with little. Shemau had hoped marriage would bring change, but instead, Jamila's tantrums worsened her situation.

Jamila realized his expectations were unrealistic. He understood that the tradition wasn't absolute and that his wife's past experiences had shaped her present. He chose to prioritize responsibility and caring for his household over material expectations.

 Shemau felt belittled and decided to do what he wanted so she lie of being pregnant and took money from Jamila and started buying items for the house , Jamila was so happy to be a father  and ready to give shemau everything she wanted and shemau kept making monetary demands from him . Shemau took a lot of money and befor a little time she had finished the whole house and bought luxurious items . Shemau faked a miscarriage of her pregnancy and that broke her husband so much but he was willing to

Move on  , untill one day he came back from work and over heard her appreciating her friend for giving her such a wonderful idea , since after she implemented it her husband had stopped nagging  and now they live in peace , Jamila was so angry he batched into the hose and beat up her friend and threw her out of his out. , he blamed himself for what his wife did . Maybe if he hadn’t pushed her she would not have resulted to lying about having a baby and shattering his hope afterwards. Jamila decided to make peac with his wife and forgave her.

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