FILM - 4 months ago

Image Credit: Cherechi Chidinso

When Chidinso Posted this 

"Anytime I heard people say movie producing or making took years,

I wondered why, because In my head I'm like “is it not to carry camera and be acting”

Fast forward to making a short movie with my brother.

Guysss, i saw things…

Like how do you go from laugh and now your crying and you're laughing again🤧

The scene I was to act, I was supposed to look angry,

It was so funny, right before I frowned my face I'll told them to allow me to laugh first😅

The capital that goes in is something else.

Getting different angles is another story.

The "editing" is the end of the matter. 

I'd like to appreciate movie producers, skit makers and people that edit videos, especially godly ones."

…I decided to second it. I remember by director asking why my face always look swollen after shooting. When I think of all the lights and turning and repetition and continuity, I feel like I am going to burst. 

Shout out to all the film makers out there

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