Mummy Long Legs - 3 months ago

Image Credit: A photo of Peace Eluchie

By Peace Eluchie


On Thursday evening, I had to rush to the hostel to retrieve some items I left behind. I panicked while hastening up my steps. I was worried. I mumbled, "What if someone steals my things before I get there? With the way theft is on a high, I don't want to be a victim."

I got to the hostel and was able to retrieve my items. I was relieved knowing that no one had taken those items. If not, my tears would have flooded the school that evening.

Coming back, I stopped to buy akara and fried plantain from my favourite vendor. I sat down on the bench, waiting for the plantain to be fried.

A young lady accompanied by a man walked by, and all eyes were on them—including mine. This lady has to be the tallest lady I have seen in my life. She felt like a giant. Her dress gave away her identity as a model (normally tall people do venture into modelling).

She stopped to buy something. As she stood, other people waiting for their akara and plantain kept staring at her. She wasn't just tall. She had body as well, making her a perfect model. I imagined her height in my head. "Hmm... she could be either 6"2 or 6"5. Omo! This lady is very tall o," I said to myself.

"Is she favour?" I asked myself because there was a particular lady I follow on Instagram who is into modelling. Though I've never seen her before, her catwalk videos show how tall she was.

She left, and one of the Akara buyers exclaimed, "Dwarf!" What he meant was that he felt as if he was a dwarf when she stood close to him.

In my head, I asked, "If you are a dwarf, what then am I?"

I realised that one is only tall when they have someone shorter than them. It is also the same way one is only short when they have someone taller than them.

So... those of you claiming height should calm down because you have yet to meet your match.

Smallies in the house, don't mind them when they call you short. Tell them there are people shorter than you (you are tall jare).

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