Keep Trying...😪 - 3 months ago

Image Credit: Keep trying...😪

"What if I fail?"Obviously, this is one common question that always ring in your mind whenever you try to do that thing.Am I wrong?I know I'm not, because it rings in my head too at times. It was worse in the past, always there, and the feeling of how bad it'd look to others if I fail.Others! Not even myself.Nevertheless, the fact never changes. You can never know what the outcome of a situation would be if you never try.To reduce the chances of failure, it becomes important you learn.Sadly, some people just get stuck in the circle of learning because they want to get so better that they never fail when they try, and as a result, they never try.You should not be scared of "failing".You know why?It's because failing doesn't make you a "failure".A failure is only a person who stopped trying after failing.Failing is inevitable, provided you want results. That's because you'd have to try, and there's every possibility that it won't always go well at your first, second or even third trial.However, as you try, and "fail", you get feedback that points you to what went wrong and how you can make things better.This week, let's keep our fear of failure aside.Those jobs apply for them. That offer shameless market it. That idea, go pitch it to that investor. That video you recorded, go post it on IG.That pretty lady, walk up to her nicely, and ask her out.Whatever it is, just do it without worrying if you'd fail or not.If you fail, simply try to figure out what went wrong, and try again.It is said that it took Thomas Edison 1,000 unsuccessful attempts before he created the first light bulb. 1000!!!For the records, failing doesn't make you a bad person. Rather, it gets you a step closer to success.This week, you'll go out there, and try, without worrying about failing

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