Let Me In - 4 months ago

Image Credit: Chapter Art from “Gallant”, by V. E. Schwab

Moonlit shadows stretch and dance,

Creeping o'er the old house grounds;

Night falls, the air hangs thick with chance,

Of meeting those that still confound.

Long cracks run up the garden wall,

And the gate to the sheepfold creaks and whines

Ivy invades with a snail-paced crawl

And rips my hems with thorns on vines

With every step I take, I swear,

My vengeance grows, my curses flare;

My ghostly form shivers the air,

I will not stop, I’ll have my share.

Shut your doors, your eyes, your heart.

Your ears must listen to my part

I'll plead my case through your windowpane

Every jot and tittle, from the start.

These doors stay, unyielding,

I hem and haw, scratch and stare

"Let me in",  l'm pleading

Free me from this deathless snare.

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