The Bracelet From Paul - 4 months ago

Image Credit: Wristlit Bracelets

I’ve had a crush on Paul for two years. And being the innocent girl that I was, all I ever wanted was for Paul to notice that I even existed and maybe give me a little smile or call my name. I was not even sure he knew I existed, even though I saw him every Sunday. I always tried to figure out the particular service he attended or the area he seats in church, since we attended the same church. Even though I never figured it out, I was lucky on most Sundays to seat where I could see him and spend the rest of the service fantasizing about Paul and I. God have mercy on my soul.

I would even go to church on days I knew I had nothing to do, just hoping to catch a glimpse of Paul. I did everything I could for Paul to notice, but I honestly couldn’t tell how invisible I was to him, because he never did. One day, I opened up to my friend Faith.

I could not contain my Joy when she said she knew Paul and they were friends. She said he even lived closed to her street. Faith began to give me lots of information about Paul. She even said his mother was my name sake. From that day onwards, I changed my usual route home, and started following Paul’s street. But I never saw him, because I always ran past, due to how shy I was.

I went to church one rainy day, on the day I don’t usually go, just hoping I would see Paul. Hmmm, the things we do for love. The good thing was, I saw him and he even ushered me into one of the church halls because I was already drenched.

My crush finally spoke to me! I never knew I had dragon flies and bees in my belly, because what I felt that evening was beyond butterflies.Trust me to end up making a fool of myself. I don’t know if you can relate. Due to so much excitement, I began to question him based on the information I received about him from Faith. He looked so confused. I was sure he was so shocked as to how a total stranger knew so much about him; or so I thought.

Finally, Faith told me that she somehow blurted out to Paul that I liked him. I felt like the ground should swallow me. Then she said, Paul liked me too. I felt like the ground should vomit me and the heavens should swallow me instead. She gave me to most beautiful bracelets I had ever seen.

It was customized just for me. She told me Paul was so shy that he had to employ her help to get the best bracelet from WRISTLIT BRACELETS . He had had it customized just for me. I was so excited because I’ve always wanted to patronize Wristlit, but I felt I was not close to the brand’s location. I never even knew WRISTLIT did deliveries. It was until Faith told me that they do and they also make amazing and affordable bracelets. Meanwhile if you haven’t patronized WRISTLIT you’re missing out on a whole lot. Plus you can also buy it for someone special as my crush did for me.

Anyways, after all the drama and excitement, we decided that it was time Paul and I officially met and talk. Paul and I were both very shy and since Faith had been our middle man, she made all the arrangements. The day I was meant to meet Paul, I waited patiently in a quiet place and Paul came.

The problem was that it wasn’t Paul. Well it was Paul, but it was not Paul. I know I’m confusing you, but I’ll break it down in a way you will understand, because me too confusion almost wounded me that day. It turned out that the Paul I was crushing on and the Paul that was crushing on me were not the same people. I was talking about another Paul and Faith was talking about another Paul.

That was how I got myself entangled in a love triangle. Was it even a triangle? And yeah, my crush finally smiled at me, asked me my name and greeted me, but that was four years later. By then I was already in love with another…

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