My Best Friend - 3 months ago

Image Credit: Frestsky

We didn't really start of as friends. We were just classmates or should I say business associates? I sell my food and you give me the money. We weren't really in the same click, but we just had to relate. I mean, why not? We were only seven girls in class.

Then I found out we were church members, in the same children group. We lived a bit close to each other. Why not we go to church together and return together.

Then you considerd your cousins more than me. I was jealous and I was angry. We had a fight, but I could not sleep that night due to guilt. We made up and the bond grew stronger.

We got closer and even drew our families closer. I could trust you and you could trust me. We were inseparable. We were coke and fanta. I walked you home and you walked me back. We laughed as fools and cried as children.

We knew our friendship was beyond mere labels. When I towed the dangerous path, you towed with me. What a foolish friend, you would say. But to the best of our knowledge that's how we could be together. When we found light, we found it together. 

When you were hurt, I cried all the way to the mountain. When I'm in pain, you would always say โ€œdon't keep it locked up inside you. I am your friend.โ€ Yes! A friend that sticks closer than a brother.

Then distance came. There was a wedge, but the bond was too strong to be broken. I was pained because I couldn't help you out of yours. The distance broke, but we still had a lot of catching up to do. But we know what we have is so deep, so strong. It's a bond orchestrated from heaven.

To my best friend, Happy 11 years anniversary. 


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