Delusional Dreams - 6 months ago

Every night I sleep
My emotions awake
Although my body is asleep
My feelings strong and awake
To the deepest part of me, my mind decides to take a trip 
If dreams were real, why does it feel fake 
Dreams are emotions we feel till our alarm clock beeps
People die chasing dreams-is it real or fake, I don’t know but it does make me shake 


Dreams express the deepest part of you
Delusions? Mere wishes, we force ourselves to believe in 
If dreams do come true 
Happiness would spread 
A damsel won’t be scared
A psycho, wont wish death.


Everyday, Chasing our dreams 
In reality, we’re just chasing oxygen 
Yes, I had a dream I could fly
Now, I wake up in a hospital bed 
I had a dream that I was living the life of wealth 
I remembered I had to wake up and go to work 
Eventually, I’m just getting hurt
These dreams, the reasons for my bruises

“Faith”, They say…
Dreams are something I should believe in 
I’m tired of getting hurt, like the psycho, death I have been wishing 
They hurt my heart and soul, I’m sorry, I’ll try to stop bleeding 
If I believe in myself, maybe someday I’ll stop dreaming


My dreams just comfort me 
They distract me from reality 
I close my eyes to get blind, instead all these dreams I begin to see
Dreams sometime degrade me, sorry I meant my state of maturity
Because, I’ve been in a dream once when young me wanted to fix everything
When I was a kid, I dreamt I could be anything.
Now I look up to heaven with closed eyes 
I’m blind now, but I know I can see.


When God answers my prayers, I’ll chase my dreams 
Dreams of living a happy ever after over everything
As of now, all I do is plan for it 
Reality is deceiving, but you know damn right, I ready for it 

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