My Female Guard (part 4) - 1 month ago

Image Credit: My female guard

Summer's POV 

“He doesn’t think I can own such an amount of money, I’m sure.” I consoled myself.

But then again, what if he is a killer? Well he already knows he won’t kill me without a fight. 

“And father?” I heard a voice ask in my head

He can’t possible derive pleasure from killing a paralyzed man if he is indeed a serial killer. From the little information I came across about killers, they do it often times for thrills and fun. No fun in killing a big of log, so there. I answered myself. What if he is a rapist? Was the last question my insecure heart whispered before my eyelids became too heavy for me to keep open. 



I ran downstairs the moment I remembered that Conner had spent the night at my place. I could not afford to allow him wake up before me and go down and meet father in a pool of his own mess. 

The wooden steps creaked loudly as I literally jumped on them in a hurry, skipping as many as my short legs could skip. I didn’t care if the old weak woods would break and cause me to fall, my father’s dignity mattered more to me. 

I rounded up to where my father spends the night and I almost had a hard attack. Holding my father’s hands and gently stroking it, was Conner in a vest and shorts. My father was awake and boring into Conner’s eyes. They looked lost in each other’s gaze.

I have never seen my father so immersed in something since he had the stroke, it was beautiful yet, confusing alarming.

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