It was the 9th day before the ides of the month of 8. 
He got the call, he knew  what would follow but he was a fool for thinking he could overcome her. He went. 
She fed him dinner.
There was an awkward silence. She looked at him and him at her. An unspoken conversation ensued. Body language they called it. 
One thing led to another and hands were going where they shouldn't. 
Sparks flew and Alarm bells went off. 
He wanted to stop and leave but an opportunity presented itself. His body took it. 
Now a slave to desire, 
He devoured what was offered. 
In the cover of darkness, promises were broken, words were uttered and two souls connected. 
The mistake of the night it was. 
He knew her,  not fully but he came close. 
She told him anytime he was ready. She was his.
As he left, she kissed him and he promised to be back.

But he was never coming back. He knew this was the end. 
He had seen the power of the seductress and he was but flesh and blood. 
He would never come back to her arms again.  Avoidance was the best dance. 
One mistake, just one rash decision could have toppled a tower that took hundred years to build. 
What happened to Glorious Purpose? 
No, it can't be aborted like this. 
She was just one of the mountains that stood in hid glorious path. 
She was powerful and if he went head to head with her, he would fail.

Caution said “Flee” 
And so he fled. 
He can't fail. 
Not now, not never.

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