A Love Story - 6 months ago

Image Credit: Pinterest

In school, we met, just kids at play,

A boy, a girl, in love's array. 

We laughed, we dreamed, out hearts entwined, 

Innocence pure, our love defined.

But life moved on, we lost our way, 

A fleeting dream, a price to pay. 

In high school's maze, we met once more, 

But love's sweet song, it played no more.

From friends to lovers, we danced the dance, 

But doubts and fear, they stole our chance. 

I pushed you away, I made you leave, 

My heart in pieces, unable to grieve.

You changed, you drifted, out of sight,

A shadow lost in darkest night.


And on that day of our farewell, 

My heart in shambles, under love's cruel spell.

Years have passed, yet thoughts remain, 

Of love once lost, of lasting pain. 

But in my heart, a spark still glows,

A memory of love's sweet rose.

Though we're apart, our paths diverge, 

Your memory stays, my silent urge. 

For in my heart, your love resides, 

A timeless bond, where love abides.

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