Odds Against You - 1 month ago

Image Credit: Medium

When the odds are against you and calling 911 isn’t an option, I'm the one you call. In the shadows of the city, where the forgotten linger and the desperate dwell, I step in. The system often leaves people feeling helpless, abandoned by those sworn to protect them. But I’m not one of them. I don’t wear a badge, and I don’t follow the rules. I’m a vigilante.

When others turn away from impossible cases, I take them on. It’s not about glory or recognition; it’s about justice for those who have nowhere else to turn. The police sometimes can’t—or won’t—help, bound by bureaucracy or fear. But I’m bound by something stronger: the need to make things right.

I’ve been called in when all other doors are closed, when no one else dares to step up. And every time, I answer, because in this city, justice isn’t just a word—it’s a lifeline. And when that lifeline is cut, I’m the one who ties it back together.

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