THE WRITERS DILEMMA - 2 months ago

Image Credit: The internet

There’s this unspoken ‘pressure’ that comes with being a Writer. The pressure to write with the best diction, use lofty words, come up with the most captivating stories. Often times, we Writers limit ourselves by being afraid of not being “good enough”. But is there really a perfect style of writing? Is a piece of work ever meaningless? Writing appeals to people differently. We Writers must understand that our styles of writing differ and will be appreciated differently. Most times, what we believe to be “writer’s block” is actually a subtle feeling insufficiency. Feeling that your writing doesn’t measure up to others and the fear of Criticism. These thoughts hold us back and hinder us from putting out what could be our best write ups. Are you a Writer struggling with these feelings? The solution is to write anyways. Just write. Write as it comes to you. Write in the midst of living. Write even when you don’t feel so inspired. Let’s create an atmosphere of just doing, without overthinking.

-From one Writer to another 

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