Becoming Rivals Part 3 - 6 days ago

Image Credit: Theo

“She is out of danger, Theo, the doctor said none of her organs were affected and she would be conscious in a short while.” Conner tried to convince me but I was adamant.

“No! I won’t let you risk her life like that, this silly mission and quest for the shooter is over.” I said firmly, stamping my foot.

“Then prepare to die one of these days in your sleep.” Conner said sarcastically but there was a hint of seriousness in his voice as he spoke. 

“Are you threatening me?” I inquired but he shook his head negatively. I glanced at Angelina briefly, she was watching us closely.

“I am not, on the contrary, I am warning you ahead of time of the danger that lurks ahead. I just got information that Summer’s shooter is a member of the family… if they have succeeded in getting your almighty bodyguard, getting you would be as easy as taking candy from a baby.” He sounded so serious that I found myself deep in thoughts. “You have a few reasons to stop this investigation but those guys have more reasons to get rid of you, especially when they will each get a share from the inheritance after your demise.” He added and I swallowed hard.

“You promised not to hide anything from me,” I reminded him, not knowing what to say as his words had hit me hard.

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