Image Credit: Behance

This story is a reminder of what it feels like to be a child again. For many of us, we grew up to love reading and writing because we read stories like this. Enjoy.

Chapter 3

The next week James travelled to see his dad, because his mom was dead and his dad felt lonely sometimes, so he travels every three months to see his dad. The night of when he travelled, David broke into James’ bookshop and stole everything, including the pen. After that day, he started to have numerous customers, because he took all James’ books that the customers liked. Later he found out that the pen was not magic like he thought. But he didn’t care; instead of him to start focusing on writing or buying more interesting books. He decided to continue selling James’ books. After some time James returned from his journey he found out that his shop had been robbed. What angered him the most was the thief took his special pen that his mom gave to him before she died. She gave him that gift on her dying bed, because she saw his honest passion for writing and blessed him. That is why whenever he worked hard and prayed to God he always had customers and more money. He never allowed anybody to touch the pen because it was special to him and he didn’t want it to be mishandled. He decided to go the police station to report the case.


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