Getting Into Trouble Part 4 - 1wk ago

“What’s going on here?!” Conner demanded and Margaret turned to him with tears in her eyes. I went to Summer immediately and held her hands, rubbing them gently with my thumb.

“She is trying to turn my son away from me,” Margaret wept and Barth ruffled his hair turning around in a disorganized manner, while Conner looked at her, unconvinced. The Millers watched curiously. “She was… touching my son.” She added. Summer shook her head negatively as she held Theo’s eyes in hers.

“I didn’t do nothing wrong, he came to my room.” Her voice was firm and her countenance was a bit relaxed as she spoke with Theo, ignoring the eyes that were on them.

“Auntie Maggie, I think you are misunderstanding the situation here, and I also think you should be asking Barth what he is doing in Summer’s room. Not accusing her.” Theo said defending Summer. Margaret looked lost for a while and defeat showed in her face, but she covered it with a sniff. 

“Just you keep you wretched bodyguard away from my baby boy.” She warned before locking eyes with Summer. “Let’s go son.” She called out to Barth, walking away.

“I’m sorry,” Barth whispered, meeting Summer’s gaze, but she didn’t say a word to him.

“Just leave,” Theo said to him and he nodded. 

“Are you okay?” Conner asked her ad she smiled

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