DISCIPLINE - 2wks ago

Image Credit: Gallery

"Before 6pm today!" He exclaimed.

I didn't know if it will be possible, but I meant it.

I meant it when I shared with my accountability partner that I will finish a 100 pages of book before 6pm today.

This must be done even amidst other chores that I have to do.

Did I meet the target?


I did, even going extra mile to send reviews to the study group.

You see, there are things you won't achieve in this life if you don't put in determination and discipline.

Did I feel bored?

Absolutely, but I had already determined and I've submitted to a greater force (an accountability partner) of which I know if i didn't finish, no one will hold my words as important anymore.

It was about proving myself and making myself known.

Where excuses won't take you, determination and self discipline will.

…Most importantly, learn to reward yourself.

I am still your Growth Advocate.



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