Love ,lust (part 1) - 2 months ago

Image Credit: Love lust part 1

Clouded blue sky but the sun rays pierced through any port it could find. It made a  sight on the floor just before the entrance of the library. Jane stood bemused by this art. She thought it was beautiful and nature was truly the best artist.. John was indifferent. He bumped into Jane after kicking a rock and lost his footing... Of course he'd been staring at Jane. Sexy in a flora gown and a sweater that she wore gracefully and her locks tied behind but two vines swung side by side her eyes... John apologized for hitting her and made an effort to dust off the sand he'd rained on her while trying to make a stand from his trip . Jane refused the gesture and immediately went back to sightseeing.. " This interests you? " John asked .. " Are you a nature enthusiast?" " Not really but this, i think it's beautiful. I just wanted to get enough of the sight" said Jane all the while, eyes fixed on the sun and cloud pattern on the floor... John introduced himself and extended a hand to Jane. This was when she lifted her head and caught his eyes for the first time...  They were light brown, watery and Shone like he had worn a lens. " Aphrodite you cheat" she thought. John asides his obviously cool eyes had s smile that made him look like he had no problems in life and Aphrodite really favoured him....They say it's love at first sight but not Jane. Jane was horny at first sight. 

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