Image Credit: Behance

This story is a reminder of what it feels like to be a child again. For many of us, we grew up to love reading and writing because we read stories like this. Enjoy.

Chapter 4

On his way to the police station, he passed by David’s backyard of his bookshop because it was the shortest route to the police station. Then he saw his special pen lying close to the David’s dustbin, and he began to suspect that it was David who robbed his shop. But he didn’t want accuse him wrongly until it was proven by the police. He arrived at the police station and reported the matter and showed them the evidence he found. The police asked him if he had a special identity to his books. He told them he had a special stamp, which he uses to stamp the middle of all his books. He also had the receipts as evidence of when and where he bought the books. He police commended him for coming to report the matter and not taking laws into in own hands. They also assured him that they would properly investigate the matter and apprehend the criminal. After some weeks David was found guilty of theft and robbery and he was arrested. His bookshop was sold and the money was given to James to compensate him for all David stole from him. David immediately began to regret his actions and wished he followed James’ advice, because if he did he wouldn’t have lost all he had.


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