My Heart's Desire - 4 months ago

### Chapter 2: 
The New Student

Jessica stepped out of her father’s car, her heart pounding with excitement and a touch of anxiety. As she approached the grand entrance of King and Queen’s College, she took a deep breath and walked through the gates, entering a new chapter of her life.

Inside the office labeled "Principal’s Office," a middle-aged man with spectacles was engrossed in his computer, seemingly unaware of the world around him. “Hi, Mr. Principal,” Jessica greeted.

“Good morning, Sir,” Mr. Alani added, causing the principal to look up and adjust his spectacles for a clearer view.

“Mr. Alani, is that you? What brings the distinguished Special Adviser to the Governor on Artificial Intelligence here?” he exclaimed, clearly surprised to see him.

The family smiled warmly. “Nothing much, actually. My daughter needs a change in school, so we decided to bring her to the best one nearby,” Mr. Alani explained.

“Welcome, Miss Jessica, to our school where prestige and learning are paramount,” the principal said, a hint of nervousness in his voice as he glanced at Mr. Alani.

“Why is he scared of my lovely dad? He’s the best father in the world,” Jessica thought to herself.

“Let me call your class teacher,” the principal said anxiously. “Aunt Tessie, please come to my office,” he called into the intercom. Moments later, a young woman entered.

“Good morning, sir,” she greeted.

“This is your new student, Jessica. Please take good care of her,” the principal instructed, looking into the teacher’s eyes with a serious expression.


Back in the classroom, Jessica tried to calm her nerves. “It’s going to be a good experience here, I guess,” she murmured as she followed Miss Tessie. She was directed to sit in the middle row, front column, next to a light-complexioned girl named Janet.

“Hi, you look beautiful,” Janet complimented.

“Thanks,” Jessica replied, smiling.

“What’s your name?” Janet asked.

“Jessica Alani.”

“What a beautiful name,” Janet said, and they both laughed. They quickly became friends, sharing their likes, dislikes, and interesting facts about themselves until Miss Tessie’s voice brought the room to order.

“Good morning, students,” she began.

“Good morning, Miss,” the class responded cheerfully.

“I’m glad to see you all so happy today. I’m Miss Tessie, and I’ll be your class teacher. It’s going to be a great experience here if you all put forth your best effort. I’m not harsh, but I’m not lenient either. Follow my instructions and complete your assignments. Is that clear?” she concluded.

“Yes, Miss Tessie,” the class chorused.

“Good. Let’s begin the lesson,” she said. Her teaching was smooth and well-detailed, making it easy for Jessica to follow along. Miss Tessie finished writing on the board, explained the notes, and assigned homework.

“Make sure you complete your assignments. This is the end of the class,” she announced.

“Thank you, Miss Tessie,” the class replied.

Jessica and Janet resumed their conversation. Janet, being a long-time student, shared insights about the school, including the bullies and people to avoid. They laughed and continued chatting until the final bell rang.

Jessica eagerly packed her bag and waved goodbye. “Goodnight, Janet. See you tomorrow,” she said, spotting her dad’s car outside the gate. As she rushed out, she collided with a handsome boy named Lekan, the class rep known for his quietness and intelligence.

“I’m sorry,” Jessica said, flustered.

“It’s fine. Are you okay?” Lekan asked, helping her gather her belongings.

Everyone, including Miss Tessie, was surprised by Lekan’s uncharacteristic behavior. He handed Jessica her bag with a smile.

“Thank you,” she said, looking down shyly.

“You’re welcome,” he replied.

"Why are you all looking at him like that?" Jessica asked, noticing the intense stares directed at Lekan.

Janet's expression softened with a hint of pain. "Well, he did something miraculous today, but he's also a loner."

Jessica's curiosity was piqued. "What happened to him?"

Janet sighed, her voice dropping to a more somber tone. "He lost his father a year ago. It was a tragedy that changed him completely."

Jessica felt a crack form in her heart upon hearing this. She turned back, trying to see Lekan's face. As if sensing her gaze, Lekan briefly looked in her direction before quickly turning away, retreating into his solitude. The sadness in his eyes was unmistakable, and it mirrored the heaviness now weighing on Jessica’s chest.

Lost in her thoughts, Jessica was jolted back to reality by the arrival of a sleek car—a Benz special edition—pulling up to the school. She recognized it instantly. Her father was here.


Jessica saw her father approaching. She ran to him and hugged him, feeling a mix of emotions.

“What happened, Princess?” her father asked, concerned.

“I ran into someone and got hurt,” she sobbed.

“It’s okay,” he said, soothing her. “Let’s go home, Princess.” He held her hand as they walked to the car. Mr. Alani opened the door for her, and they drove off. Lekan watched them leave, then turned and headed home himself.

To be continued...

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