A Writer's Heartbreak - 3 months ago

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The worst pain I have felt as a writer…

I wanted to post a write-up early. The words were flowing from my head as I typed. I stopped to read what had been typed so far before resuming my write-up.

I blanked out, not knowing what else to type. After a little pause, I resumed typing. My words were looking so elaborate. It made me happy.

While I continued typing words my brain was busy manufacturing, the app refreshed.

I was dumbfounded. "Ewo!" I exclaimed. I wanted to cry but the tears were too stubborn to obey. "What do I do now? How do I retrieve my write-up?" I kept on asking myself.

The write-up was a good one. It was unplanned. Unrehearsed. It came straight from the heart. This pain shattered my heart more than a breakup would.

I dropped my phone. I gave up wanting to post something. I imagined how handy a time machine would have been for me. Sadly, such is not in existence.

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