Remember that one song you listened to that was so good you shared it with all your friends? And that reel on Instagram that cracked you up so bad you instinctively sent it to your friend group so they’d also have a good laugh to brighten their day. Or maybe it was a book you read or a movie you watched that you just had to recommend to someone because you couldn’t enjoy such wholesome, beautiful, enthralling amazingness alone. Realise how nobody needed to tell you to share it with anyone. You just did, without giving it much thought, because that was the only natural thing you could do after experiencing something so good. Well, I remember that and many other similar situations, and that’s exactly what I’m doing😄.

So, I’ve been unable to shake the things I heard today at a hangout I attended. One out of the many things that got me was about the communication of my faith being effectual, which is spoken about in the book of Philemon. It says; “that the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.” Philemon 1:6 KJV.

The emphasis is on acknowledgement, and what did it for me was the fact that I can’t effectually communicate anything I don’t acknowledge, which in this case is my faith. Meaning it becomes easier to communicate my faith using whatever I acknowledge that I have because I’m fully convinced of having that thing. So if I know I have something that transformed me into a better person, what good is it if I don’t share it with those who get curious about my being a better person, knowing fully well that the same could be done for them, too? 

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