How To Earn Offline And Online 2 - 2wks ago

Do free Jobs: this is very important. It helps build your brand and your business in the long run. Doing free jobs such volunteer, internship would help you be good at what you do. 

Build an online presence: Learn everything you need to concerning building an online presence. Create an online steez. Look like what you want to be addressed as. 

Run ads, engage in collaborations with influencers etc. Engage in community services all within your budget. 

Also apply for grants as a means to source for funds.

Study: No matter what you do , you need to study. Study on the business itself, the business environment, study to increase your knowledge bank etc.

Most importantly start with God. 

Remember that these are just bullet points, you need to study indepth for more. But these are very good guidelines that you need to earn offline and online as a business owner 


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