TIME IS NOT AN EXCUSE - 4 months ago

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 By Peace Eluchie

One thing I find myself doing alot is making excuses and blaming time for being the reason.

A lot of us are guilty of this. We are never available to do things that are of benefits to us because we keep wasting valuable time on things that are of no value.

Taking a look into our spiritual life, we begin to realise that some Christians have distanced themselves from God and His words.

Some barely open their bibles to read, others find it difficult to pray and meditate.

Some people see themselves as christians only on Sundays. Sometimes, some Christians try to find excuses not to attend service on sundays.

Academically, a lot of students are backwards. They use time as an excuse not to read their books. To study is a problem.

Attending lectures seems a burden to some, hence the skipping of classes. During exams, students fall back on expos and resort to exam malpractices in order to pass each course.

What is the point of parents spending money on their children, when they have not taken the decision of making a difference?

Children would rather while away their life on useless things, than make impacts that will last a lifetime.

People's physical and social lives are suffering greatly because of the same "time" related excuses people are fond of making.

Some of us do not socialize or even try to build a network with people.

One thing we should realise; the friends we make, the people we socialize with, and the network we build will be of great help and value to us in the future.

The people we know will eventually be our connection tomorrow or even that of our children.

Those people we envy because of the great influence and connection they have, is because of the solid relationship they or their parents built in the past.

When we begin to ask ourselves the question, "what are these things we consume our valuable time on?" we begin to realise that we keep spending time on worthless things. Things that are of little to no importance in our lives.

In essence, value the time you have. Make it worthwhile so that when you are giving account of how you spent your time, it will bring you great joy knowing that you achieved something.

Time is money. Money lost can be recovered,  but time lost can never be recovered.

Once it is gone, it is gone forever.

So spend it wisely! in order to avoid regrets in the future.

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