TWO SIDES OF A COIN II - 4 months ago

So, two mutually exclusive, very contrasting opposites still need each other to be, even though they cannot coexist at the same time. Does that mean to be imperfect is to be…perfect? But to be perfect is to be without flaw, or to be like Jesus. So if Jesus was perfect yet many people saw him as a false teacher and nothing close to perfect, to say the least, then what does that say about us? It tells me that perfection doesn’t guarantee that everyone would like you. It doesn’t buy you a spot in everyone’s heart. There are still people who would look at you and see flaws in you no matter how good or righteous or perfect you are. If they did it to Jesus they’re bound to do it to us, too. But then again, maybe we got it all wrong from our definition of perfection. But hey, look at this: “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”Matthew 5:48 KJV.

I guess that sums it up.

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