Another Attack Part 6 - 2wks ago

Image Credit: Hey

“Are you okay? Did something happen?” Angelina asked getting up too. I looked at her and opened my mouth to speak but no word came out, all I did was act in a much unorganized manner that got her more worried as I tried to sort out the bills.

“Common, let’s go. I’ll drive.” she suggested holding my arm and I led her out quickly. “I’ll drive.” She announced taking the car keys from me and I nodded without even thinking twice.

“The mansion.” I told her the destination and she ignited the car and hit the road running.


My jacket on one hand, my phone on the other, I ran into the mansion leaving Angelia to park the car when we got to the mansion. I ran past the doctor but didn’t even stop to ask him anything. I pushed the door of her room open and I felt my heart break in two… I dropped the jacket I was holding to lean against the door frame for support as my knees went weak. Angelina caught up with me and her hands went to her mouth the moment she looked into the room. 

Different tubes and wires were connected to her body as she laid still with an oxygen bag over her nose. The heart monitor was beeping gently and I looked at it to be sure she was still alive. I took a step inside, then another. When I got closer, I found my voice.

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