When Life Pull The String, You Pull The Trigger - 4 months ago

When Life Pulls The Strings, You Pull The Trigger.



Sometimes it looks like we can't go beyond our present predicament. We are stuck at a crossroad. A lot has happened and a lot is happening. We don't understand why it's happening. We can't seem to phantom out where we have gone wrong. You can't control what's happening to you. We just felt, we have gotten to a point of robicon.

We stood there helplessly, engulfed by Plights. It seems we can't go further. 


That's life pulling the strings!.



Don't give up, don't loose hope, keep your cool and  control your emotions. 

Don't run away, stand stood your grand. You can, just give yourself the chance of take a step. Of course it's not going to be easy, it's going to deprived you, it's will cost you, yes. You may not have power over the situation but you have power over yourself.

Put on the amor of courage and take a deep breath with a bold step. 


That's you pulling the trigger!


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