JESUS CARES - 4 days ago

Image Credit: Goggle

In my home, I grew up loving Buchi. By then I didn't know him by His name but by one of his track titled "Mama."

As little as I was when that song was released, I found myself listening with trust and happiness in my heart the ending part where he Buchi asked some questions.

The questions

"Tell me the one who make you fat and nice

Tell me the one who make you fresh and young

Tell me the one who make you prosperous"

And obviously, the answer to those questions was


I did that not because I have ever witnessed what Jesus has done but I knew He cared and could do.

My Sunday School Teacher never cease to tell us if Christ love for us little children.

I want you to think about all the problems you've got in this life, then think about someone who can sort or take care of those problems for you.

Who's He?

He's Jesus, the Wisdom Before The World Began.

He's the only one capable to do exceedingly abundantly.

Can you trust Him with all your cares today?




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