Plight Of The Masses - 2 months ago

Image Credit: Thomas Harper

We waited for the president to speak, To address our woes, a future to seek. But silence on making the country better, Our so-called leaders failing us altogether.

They make the masses poor, they scheme, Dependence on politicians, a recurring theme. Nothing said of lowering prices, not a word, Funny how Nigerian palliatives are absurd.

Rice is given while hunger remains, People tired, frustrated, bound by chains. But there's a fight in us, a need to strive, For a better Nigeria, we must keep alive.

The nation's blessed, yet corruption’s rife, Politicians hoarding wealth, breeding strife. If we don't speak up, they’ll never change, Leaders of tomorrow, yet we're kept in a cage.

"Government of the people, by the people, for the people," they say, But it never felt that way, not for a single day. How can they claim we're finished, when we've just begun? A better Nigeria is all we ask, is it too much?

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