Appreciation - 2 months ago

Image Credit: SmartSurvey

On a beautiful day, the wind was cool and the sky bright. Nurses and doctors hurried in and out of the labor room, and a woman's voice pierced the air with a loud shout. Finally, a nurse announced, "Madam, it's a girl." The newborn was beautiful and was named Chinecherem, meaning “My God remembers me.”

As she grew up, she struggled with her height, feeling upset whenever anyone mentioned it. She wished to be taller, yearning to be something she was not. But over time, she learned to appreciate the beauty of her height. Embracing her uniqueness, she became proud of herself. No longer affected by others' comments, she found peace of mind.

She realized that not only was she short, but she was also beautiful. She learned that being content with how you're created is a vital lesson. She embraced her individuality and flourished, proud of the person she had become.

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