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The feeling of excitement at the end of exams is a rush of relief and joy for UNN students. It’s like breaking free from a heavy weight that’s been pressing down for weeks. Your heart races as you realize the stress and late-night study sessions are over. 

 Laughter bubbles up among I and my four friends, and plans for celebration begin to take shape. It’s a moment to breathe deeply, smile widely, and look forward to adventures ahead.Speaking of adventures, Oguash Mountain came to mind.

Obidike, one of my four friends, was from Oguash village. He brought up the idea of adventuring into Oguash mountain knowing how dangerous and scary the place was. Obidike had been told stories concerning that Mountain and had been warned never to step foot there. There was a time Obidike gathered his friends during break hour when he was in primary school,to go there after listening to his grandmother's moonlight tales. Unfortunately for him, before they could jump down from the fence,they were caught by the principal,who delt with them after hearing their confession.

 Obidike had always been known as a stubborn child In his village, and because of that, many parent warned their kids not to make friends with him.I and the other three were from Lagos,and so,were unaware of what that mountain meant. Obidike was so eager to go there as he talked nonstop about how beautiful it was.Obidike knew that the mountain was the dwelling place of spirit being yet he kept this from us making us believe we were only going there fun and take in the beauty of nature. Deep down Obidike's mind,he wasn't going there for fun but to see how a spirit being looked like.

Nestled between rolling stones,tall trees and thick forest is Oguash Mountain, located at the outskirts of the village, a short distance from UNN.  Legends claimed that  it held the spirit of lost souls and secrets of Amadioha, the village god.It was dreaded and feared by the villagers.I and my four friends set for this adventure around twilight after our last paper.  True to Obidike's words,the mountain from its foot was a sight to behold. 

As we approached, the air grew crisp and invigorating, filled with the earthy scent of wildflowers. The mountain slopes,adorned with vibrant greenery stood like a timeless sentinel, its beauty both enchanting and awe-inspiring. The sunset casts a warm glow on the tall mountain, inviting us to appreciate nature's wonders. We walked past the stones and tall trees surrounding the mountain. Enjoying the weather and the fine sight around us. 

There were molded sculptures of what looked like a god. I began wondering what it meant. We walked further and saw other sculptures,some were birds, and others were that of mermaids. They were so beautiful that we couldn't resist from touching them.From the tales told to Obidike, we weren't supposed to touch those sculptures.  

From afar, I saw a shrine, immediately I called the attention of the others. Obidike then told us the stories he had been told. Fear gripped me ,and then I decided we all left but it seemed as though the fun had just begun for Obidike.

 " Guys,let's go and check that Shrine out, after all,this is an adventure" Obidike said.

The others had become scared too,we were reluctant to go but on another thought, followed Obidike as we couldn't leave him since we all came together.We got there, lo and behold!  A python,curled on the ground with its head so high as though it was ready to strike. We were not told twice when we began running. The python went after us, we were foolish to have followed Obidike. 

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