A New Chapter Unravels: My Turbulent Journey To A New Home. - 4 months ago

By Chidiebube Onwuachu (Mhiz Cindy)

I had been looking forward to my IT (Industrial Training) program, and I was thrilled when a family friend offered to host me for the duration. Mrs. Johnson, a kind and warm-hearted woman, welcomed me into her home with open arms.

As I stepped into the Johnson's cozy home, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. Their warm smiles and open arms made me feel like part of the family, and I was grateful for this new haven during my IT program. 

Despite the occasional power outages, we managed just fine, thanks to their reliable solar power system. We'd spend evenings chatting and laughing together, and I felt grateful for this new family I'd acquired.

Little did I know, our comfortable routine was about to take an unexpected turn.

Mrs. Johnson's announcement shook me: they had found a new place and would be leaving the house in just a few days! I was torn between excitement for their new chapter and the uncertainty of what lay ahead for me.

The move was a whirlwind of chaos, but we finally settled into the new house. Yet, as I lay awake at night, swatting at the relentless mosquitoes and trying to shake off the feeling of displacement, I couldn't help but wonder: would I ever find my footing in this new place?

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