Getting Into Trouble Part 2 - 1wk ago

Image Credit: Barth

“You know what? Just stop right there and get out.” She uttered walking to the door. He got up fast and caught up with her, he held her wrist to stop her from opening the door and ushering him out.

“Summer, please…” his eyes were warm and she felt bad but she didn’t want to get involved with him, it was too early to start getting into people’s black books.

“I am not ready for any of this,” she said pleading with her eyes too. “I am here for work, not for romance. This is not a vacation for me, it is an assignment.” She added. He held both of her hands and drew closer to her as he looked at her. 

“I’m not stopping you from doing your work, I’m just saying that when you are busy with work, I want to be with you.” He explained and she closed her eyes and bowed her head, showing her frustration.

“I can’t…” she whispered.

“At least give it a try, I won’t bug you or demand too much from you…” he insisted.

“But you’re already doing that. I am a bodyguard, like Conner, you see him? That’s me in the next few years.” She tried to make him understand but he bowed his head sadly. 

She freed her hands from his grip and cupped his face making him face her. “You can’t cope with that, I’m telling you.” She said and he opened his mouth to say something but a shocked and upset voice interrupted.

“What are you doing with my son?!” Margaret yelled, they disengaged immediately. She was standing at the door, furious.

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