I'LL FIND YOU - 4 days ago

Hey, I saw you again
Perfect form, beautiful, so surreal.
As you walked towards me.
You were wearing a veil that hid your face but I caught your smile beneath it, my heart skipped a beat honestly.
You were a sight for the eyes,
Your perfume, Good God!
I must have done something right, God decided to reward me with you.
I held your hands and electricity surged through my body.
We are a perfect match.
Let my kids look like you cause gaddam I don’t mind.
It’s only fitting that an angel beget angels.
I saw my future in an instant.
Just as I was about to unveil you, 
You told me, “Find me when you wake”
Before I could ask what you meant
I woke up
A dream? Come on Nooooo!
I grabbed my pillow and tried to force myself back to sleep but no
Then I remembered your words again, “Find me”
I wrote it down in my book, I will.
I will find you, love.
I love you
I knew I loved you before I met you,
I think I dreamt you to life.
I’ll find you and we will make it beautiful.

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