Mask On- Navigating Life With Hidden Pain - 2 months ago

Image Credit: Downloaded from Pinterest

Surrounded by people she calls her favorite people in the world, she smiles brightly and laughs heartily (oh how beautiful she looks). She looks so peaceful and happy, like she has absolutely nothing to worry about. Yet beneath the face showing joy and happiness, life and warmth, there's a heavy burden she bears alone. Every laugh is a shield and each smile, a well crafted mask to hide and prevent the deep-seated pain she feels from showing. In her closet she pours her heart out and allow the tears flow freely, she allows herself go through the pain of nursing her wounds herself- not because she has no one who cares or who will offer her a shoulder to lean on but because she's a mother,  a wife, a sister and a daughter and it is in her nature to bear all things; be heroic and try to protect everyone around her. She would rather go through the pain alone than make the people she loves worry and uncomfortable.

This is the story of someone who, despite their suffering, will go to any length to make certain that their pain doesn't dim the shine of those around them. Cheers to all the ladies who are trying to be strong regardless of what the society throws at them.

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