WHO IS VEE? - 3wks ago

Image Credit: Portrait

Vee was defined by others' opinions. She wore the veil of self-doubt. She is best at extending grace, commendations and love to others but gives none to herself... except her typical ”I am not enough." Her mind was constantly distorted by the whispers of "you're only worthy if someone says so”Constantly, she strived for the approval of strangers. She enjoyed validations from her friends, but she also stayed in the shade of self-criticism. She held on to those who reassured her, because she feared she'd sink deep into uncertainty without them.

One day, someone approached Vee and said these words to her "Why do you hold on so tightly to our words?" “Stop seeking solace in our validations, it may not last forever” “You don't need us to tell you who you are. You've always been enough.”These words echoed within Vee and it prompted her to God. And for the first time she suddenly saw herself.

God's light revealed a truth: Vee's worth was not defined by those validations, instead she had always had her own essence.

And guess what?… Vee is me🌚 The desire for validation, the whispers of doubt, and the reassurance of others has all been a part of my life. But now, I stand at the threshold of a new chapter, where God's word and self-belief have become my inner strength

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