A MAN OF STEEZE - 1 month ago

Totally fiction but if you know you know. 

It was a Tuesday afternoon in school in class. I was exhausted. I was present but my mind was at home, on food! The lecturer was teaching and I was just there begging time to move faster abeg. The class was chippy but I was just there sitting down, expressionless. I wasn't paying attention (Like I said my mind wasn't there).The lecturer noticed me and asked why I wasn't chippy like the rest.  I didn't respond but  to avoid another confrontation, I began to pay attention.

In the course of the class, I asked a question. Now this question is normal but the Lecturer took it as insolence. She called me out and "washed" me in front of the whole class. How she noticed my arrogant demeanor and how I act like the VC's son, "You're just an undergraduate. 200 level. I have a thesis. You should accord me respect" and so on (You get the atmosphere right)

I'm surprised cause I asked a normal question.  When I check am well, it was an ambiguous one. It sounded normal but subtly it was a totally insolent one. (Depends on the receiver) She took it the latter way. I stood there  as I received the "washing" of my life for 10 minutes if not more. 

Guess what?

 As an August Man wey I be, composure was 100, steeze intact, panic 0. I stood there eyeballing her (Wrong move, apparently you are not supposed to look an elder in the eye when they're talking- I didn't know that). My steeze came off as "being disrespectful."  I tried to sit down and she said, "Did I tell you to sit down?  I'm not done talking"I got a second round of washing o. Class was over. I sped home to food. 

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