Another Attack Part 8 - 2wks ago

Image Credit: Hey

“Theo, you have to calm down.” He advised and I narrowed my eyes, taking a step closer to him.

“Conner, why isn’t Barth here? Does he have something to do with what happened to Summer?” I asked him again, raising my voice. I knew Angelina was there, her silent sobs reminded me of her presence in the room, but I didn’t care, I needed to get to the root of the matter.

“Summer’s association with Bartholomew is something I can explain, but he doesn’t have anything to do with this. Like I said, my men are working on it.” He tried to sound firm and to finalize the conversation but I was not giving in, not at all…

“Then, you better start explaining because I am responsible for her and if I don’t get an explanation now… I’ll sue you and the entire family.” I threatened and he swallowed hard. He looked in the direction of Angelina which meant we were not alone and it would be safer to keep the conversation private, but I wanted to know why Summer was there fighting for her life and Barth was nowhere to be found.

“After the first attack on you during the burial, my men began to trace the guys behind it…” he paused, but I didn’t say anything to him. “All the evidence they found was traced to Barth.” 

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