Image Credit: From my gallery camera

The influence a family has over a child’s welfare cannot be overemphasized. As the saying goes “Charity begins at home” Using two main characters in this story I will show you two different families from the same class and how they influenced their child’s life emotionally, socially and mentally.
Both Precious and Victoria came from a middle class home, where their families are able to comfortably provide their needs but could not spend lavishly on what they don’t need at that particular time of their life. Both ladies are neighbours but not friends because of various reasons. One of those reasons is the fact that in their family they are always compared to each other by their parents because they go to the same school, class and are of the same age. Whenever either of them asks something of their parents, or anyone speaks well of either of them, they would always go like this, “precious, look at Victoria can’t you see that she always helps out in the neighbourhood that is why people always gift her with money, when will you be like that. Don’t worry when you grow up you will know how to work for your money and not always depend on your parents for everything”. These words always resound in their minds every day. This is why anytime they see each other they always ignore one another and can never be friends. 
These ladies are currently in secondary school, and they always try to drag for the 1st and 2nd positions in class. The constant comparison from their parents made them wary of each other and always at each other’s neck in the classroom. This earned them a name in school “the hateful twins”.  They also tell their friends not to speak to either of them and if they are caught, they would no longer be friends. Even at home, when they are playing with their peers, the same thing is always done. This hatred grew and remained till they both gained admission into the university and could not see each other again.
We can clearly see how the family created animosity between these two ladies who could have been friends, but because of the power a family has over their child, it has the ability to structure the reasoning of that child. This is why I always say that the way “a person behaves in his youth is as a result of the home training he had when he was a child.

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