First Day In The Mansion Part 6 - 2wks ago

Image Credit: Sterling

“The company is perfect, I got all the information you need about the company. Here, memorize this.” Conner passed me his tab and turned to go.

“What are we going to do about the company name?” Summer asked and Conner stopped in his tracks and turned to her.  “You want to buy the company for Theo right, how do we convince the Sterling’s that he is the owner of the company?” she added questioningly. 

“How about we change it to something more personal?” I suggested and she smiled.

“George Theodore Sterling…” we said in unison and Conner nodded impressed.

“George Theodore Sterling Textiles, it is then.” Conner confirmed before he left. When he came back, everything was set and all I had to do was visit and supervise as Summer had rightly said. 

“Now, you need a girlfriend,” Conner told me two weeks after the company was set up, and I had visited it three times already.

“I can use Summer,” I teased her and she laughed softly.

“You wish,” she said without even looking at me, “I beat you up before you even think of dating me,”

“Ouch!” I exclaimed feigning sadness and hurt, she rolled her eyes.

“You don’t have to worry about that, I have you covered,” Conner said

“As always,” Summer teased me,

“She is the daughter of the CEO of Benson group of companies, she was your childhood friend. She went to the states to further her studies after you left the mansion,” Conner uttered,

“You after I was kicked out of the mansion,” I corrected,

“Theo…” Summer called, warning me to stop interrupting Conner rudely.

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