Getting Into Trouble Part 5 - 1wk ago

Image Credit: Barth

“I guess I am.” Summer answered. All the others: Miller, his wife and daughter, left immediately, seeing that the show was over. Conner excused himself too. When they were left alone in the room, Theo embraced Summer warmly. She held on to him tight, sniffing in his cologne. Before long, she was sobbing on his shoulders.

“Shh…” he hushed her patting her back.

“I swear I didn’t do anything wrong,” she said but it came out as muffles because she buried her face in his chest.

“I believe you, Summer, you don’t have to explain.” Theo assured her.

She pulled away a little, her eyes were red and so was her nose. She sniffed in noisily.

“He came in and asked to be my friend. I was only explaining thing to him when she came in, and accused me of touching her son.” Summer explained again. Theo only listened. “I can’t imagine what the others think about me now.” She cried; he tilted her head and used his thumbs to wipe her tears away.

“We are in this together, you and me. It doesn’t matter what anybody here thinks of you, you are here for me. Therefore, only what I think of you matters.” He addressed her holding her shoulders lovingly. “And all I think of every time I look into those ginger eyes and see that red hair, is a strong and a smart beautiful lady. Don’t let Margaret’s drama get to you, okay?” He asked and she nodded

“Give me a smile.” He stated and she smiled briefly.

“Thank you.” She whispered.

“Don’t mention it, Red hair.” She hit his chest playfully.

“What’s that? A new nickname?” she asked pushing a strand of hair behind her ears and wetting her lips.

“Do you like it?” he asked clicking his tongue. She scoffed, shaking her head and he smiled broadly at her.



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