Becoming Rivals Part 5 - 5 days ago

Image Credit: Theo

“I’m sorry.” I apologized in a whisper. “I just want you to…” I was saying but Summer interrupted.

“It’s okay, go take care of your girlfriend. I’m fine.” She assured me and swallowed hard and cleared my throat noisily before going to meet Angelina. I opened my arms and she ran into them for an embrace, before long she was sobbing silently on my shoulders. 


After walking Angelina to the car, I was walking back to the mansion with both hands in my pocket when I spotted Barth. We locked eyes for a second before I looked away, looking ahead of me. He walked briskly from where he was trying to catch up with me, but I maintained my pace, without sparing him a glance or even answering to my name while he called me.

“Theo…” he called, but I didn’t turn back.

“Theo, wait up.” He pleaded but my hands remained in my pockets, my eyes fixed on the entrance of the mansion and my feet kept moving, carrying my body along. 

"Hey man, I was talking to you,” Barth said pulling me gently by the arm as he got to me. I turned to him coldly without saying a word. He sighed knowingly,

“Look man, I know you are upset but believe me I didn’t know how it happened. One minute we were together holding hands and the next she was down.” He explained with a sad countenance. I listened to him but I didn’t believe him. In fact, I was bitter and didn’t even want to set my eyes on him.

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