Big 20 - 3 months ago

Image Credit: Meta Ai

With Great and Utmost pleasure in my heart...I'm sharing my experience of life and how the Journey has been right from cradle to this point..
They say the Journey of a thousand miles begins with a Step. As far back as I could remember the journey of life hasn't been a smooth one from so many incidences of life growing up as a kid(Stubborn,wayward,Non-chalant and so many more).Buhh it's all in the past now.. I thank God for Grace
To be 20 isn't a child's play because it comes with a lot or responsibilities because you have to start projecting into the future the type of things and legacies I want for myself.
Setting of goals is veryy important to help maximize a lot of things to be productive and effective.. There are some things necessary to survive and scale through in one's twenties
1. Embrace your youth: Enjoy this phase of life, explore, learn, and have fun!

2. Set goals: Reflect on your aspirations and set achievable targets for the next year.

3. Cultivate meaningful relationships: Nurture friendships and connections that uplift and support you.

4. Take care of yourself: Prioritize physical and mental well-being.

5. Be open-minded: Embrace new experiences, ideas, and perspectives.

6. Explore and be Open to new views and ideas.

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