The Broomshop 🧹 Chapter 4 Finale - 4 months ago

The Broomshop 🧹 chapter 4 finale

One look at my lawyers face and you could see defeat written all over it 

I asked what was going on, but all she said was "Believe Charlie, believe" 

"Your Honour! if my time is correct then we have exhausted more than five minutes," John Meyer reminds the judge

Chief judge, Justice Caleb asks  “Barrister Cindy has your evidence arrived?”

"No your Honour" Barr. Cindy says

“Yes your Honour! yes!”

The voice of a strange man entering the court

Which draws everyone's attention to the entrance, behind him is a beautiful lady with wings and a horn on her forehead, from a distance you will think it's just Halloween costume, at close range they look so real, they're are real😮.  She was on a leash.

The strange looking man speaks

"Your Honour I'm James goon from the department of paranormal activities, and here with me is the murderer of late miss Christine. 

This is.. ...."

John Meyer interrupts

“The only murderer of late christine is Mr Charlie.. Your honour whatever they're about to say is nothing but lies”

"I have listened to your side Mr John, now let me listen to the other side! Proceed Mr James" Justice Caleb commands!

“Thank you, your honour! Here with me is a succubus demon🧞, who possess the body of men then attacks young girls and eats their souls in other to hide her natural form. Yes indeed Mr Charlie was seen with the body of late christine, but that was actually the demon, Charlie was not even aware he was possessed, she goes for people with weak minds.  Right now the only reason why she's not causing disaster in this room is because of this device on her neck, it neutralizes her powers”

"Can she talk?

(The Judge asks)

"Yes she can talk!" James goon replies as he commands the demon lady to speak, but she remains silent, he then picks out a device from his pocket presses a button, the demon screams in agony not a human kind of scream, that frightened everyone in the court, except me who is seeing a sign of victory, there is hope for me after all.

“Why won't you just leave me be! All I want is a normal life like you humans, yes I killed her, and I'll kill more.”

(The demon lady protests in agony)

Chief judge Caleb announces without hesitation or remorse "After listening to both parties and following all protocols, this case has gone beyond the power of the court and so forth will be transferred to the department of paranormal activities, and I hereby grant bail to the accused, Mr Charlie chips that is my judgement!

After trails at the court of paranormal activities🏚️, my name was cleared,

I wasn't found guilty. James goon confessed while I was in prison, he told my wife and Barr Cindy not to let me know about the demon until he was able to catch the beast, as to not get my hopes high.

“Well the broom shop has been shutdown for the meantime in honour of Late christine, coincidentally she is buried in thesame cemetery as my late son Jake, so whenever I visit my son's grave, I stop by 🧝Christine's to say Hi and drop some flowers!”

The end.…

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