In A Trance: Drifted Away By Thoughts [Part Two] - 2 months ago

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It was raining. The rain started while the class was going on. It wasn’t ready to stop. As I waited for my friend to finish talking to some handsome fellows who approached her, I calculated the distance from the lecture hall to my lodge. I wanted to know if I could enter the rain as a brave soldier marching into the battlefield knowing he was going to die.

Agnes was done talking to her admirers. She walked up to me and said, "Let’s go".

I snapped back to reality as I was lost in my calculations. She told me earlier that she would be entering the shuttle rather than trekking to her lodge. I thought about it and decided to enter a shuttle as well, rather than Leggedis Benz  it to my lodge.

"Funmi, hi," I waved to a friend of mine who waved at me as she was in a hurry. From the way she was walking, I could tell she was about to miss a class as she was almost behind schedule.

"Let’s go to the shuttle park together," I told Agnes.

"I will be entering a shuttle as well."

"Okay na, that is not a problem", she replied gently.

We gisted as we walked. The gist was an interesting one that made Agnes nearly miss her bus. We were not heading towards the same destination which made us bid each other farewell. Her bus zoomed off leaving me behind to board a bus heading where I was going.



To be continued…

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