Leadership And Roles - 1 month ago

Image Credit: Lucius Ufeli

I understand that people are different and hence we don't approach issues with the same methods and strategies. But this should not be an excuse to get away with a character flaw that needs to be addressed. It is only proper that we emulate good traits and drop the bad ones.

You see people who always give up before trying, I'm still trying to wrap my head around why they do that especially when there's a huge possibility of getting what needs to be done perfect.

Probably because I was raised in an environment where excuse is not an option at all. It is never acceptable. Maybe that's why I behave the way I do. It helps me improvise and think of a million and one ways to get things done. Even if odds are against me and there's a 0.009% chance of getting something done, I'll take the chance.

It puts me off when people just give up without even trying, looking for the easiest way out and dodging things. Like you haven't even moved a step and you're giving up already. I frown at such people and behaviours with the whole of my being.

Another version of people I don't like are those whom "I don't know" is their default answer for every question. You can be asking a very simple question that does not require one to think too much before they get the answer and they just hit you with "I don't know" without even trying to think. I classify such people as unserious in my mind. I find it really hard to work with such kind of people.

You can even ask them to find something for you and they just move half an inch and then return to you with "I no see am". Ask them for their opinion on certain issues that virtually everybody and anybody can have an opinion and they say "I don't know". It's so frustrating. Such people in your team, as a leader, will leave you to do all the work alone.

Giving up before even starting is not a good trait. Mental and intellectual laziness should not be encouraged too. Don't tell me you're an introvert, I am one myself. Work on yourself and be useful in/to your team.

#ThoughtsFromTheOtherSide #people #humanmind

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