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Atimes we don't always choose our destinies or fate. Dont  get carried away by an attractive exterior, sometimes all that glitters isn't really gold.


"Which kingdom do you belong to?"  That question struck me really hard but at the same time,it got me laughing. I was confused and wondered what my new boyfriend was spewing out. I laughed so hard that it got him a bit offended. 

"i'm nwammiri" that is,child from the water. I was confused,He was becoming serious, His face as hard as a rock. I wasn't really surprised,cause the way he laughs would make u think or wonder if truly this soul isn't a wizard. It's so strange when someone laughs three times "hahaha,hahaha,hahaha" this laugh,trust me sends this cold chill through my vain making me weak to my feet. I had asked him before, the reason he laughs this way but everytime this question comes up,he waves it away. And now,here he was asking me which kingdom I came from. 

With a straight face,I replied plainly without blinking "I'm a Christian and I don't belong to any kingdom except God's own". You see,This guy reads people's minds,and knows their thoughts. Without wasting time, He began telling me his secrets. I was at a loss, wondering why he was revealing all these to me.

"I'm from the water as u already know, since my birth. My people are around me and protects me. I do attend meetings around 2pm in the wee hours of morning in the Atlantic ocean. My food in the spiritual realm is blood"  Oh God,I was becoming terrified,fear clutched my whole spirit,and right at that moment,I wanted to run. The thoughts on my mind were regrets, regret that I shouldn't have met him,or agreed to date him.oh chim! what have I gotten my self into,I cried in my heart. He listed some of his powers he had,he could teleport himself,transform into any creature he wants,read people's minds, hypnotize one and also hurt one.

I asked him the reason for him telling me his secret,as the relationship was only two weeks old, without thinking if I was  this kind of person who has a loose mouth. He replied " I know u can't but if you do,I won't kill u but you'd lose your career" this statement broke the camel's back,fear had already circulated my whole body system .I wanted to tell him I wasn't interested again but I couldn't, thinking he'd hurt me or at most, destroy my career. Is this how I'll stick to this guy? oh chim!  I lamented silently.   Asking him if he had hurt anyone before was another kind of question I had to muster courage to ask.He affirmed that he had made a man,who made him angry, mad sometime ago.

That moment I recalled how we met.


It was on a sunny day when I met this guy at work. yeah, I worked in a metal recycling industry for three years before writing jamb. He works with his boss supplying materials to the company. These materials are aluminum that are melted ,the liquid of which are used to produce ingot or so,and which are exported to other countries to make aircraft and the likes.

I was among the "sorters"  ,as we were called,sorting out his market. On that faithful day,he looked distressed,as though he were about to give in to tears. He had made a huge mistake of offloading the whole goods together. He was meant to tell the offloaders  offloading the materials to separate them as it contained different types of materials,of which would be sold separately. There were coppers, aluminum cast and profiles,all of which were offloaded together.

As the sorters sorting his materials,we separated the aluminum cast from the ones the company rejects.

He stood behind us, watching us closely how we worked. He seemed to want to say something but looked as if he was scared, but later voiced out his problem, pleading with us to help him separate the materials the offloaders should have done. Of course ,we knew it was going to waste our time and energy but at the sight of him,he looked helpless.  We agreed to help him on the condition that he settles us  , which of course he agreed to.

We finished sorting out his materials,and then, looking at him,he was a fine guy,tall and well-muscled, with a high chick-bone,well structured eyebrows and thin lip.His teeth were white, that when he smiles,it shines so bright under the sun with his cute dimples that made me drool. I couldn't believe I was actually drooling over this guy. I asked after his name playfully not because I was interested in him but because I wanted to start a conversation. He hesitated before replying " Jidenna".He left after his work was done, thanking us profusely.

 A week passed when I got a call from him. it was a friendly call says him but I wasn't interested in the call. I persuaded him to tell me the reason he was calling,as one would not just wake up one day and start calling someone one don't even know. oh yeah,he got my number from a friend at work,cause I couldn't have given him my number.

After about five more calls,he finally revealed his intention, going straight to the point with an authoritative voice " will u be my girlfriend,yes or no?" 

seriously,who does that,the effrontery, I spatted. I replied him outright,that I wasn't interested. He ended the call after knowing my reasons.

Interestingly,I called him after two weeks, praying he should not pick the call but unfortunately,he picked. And to my utmost dismay,he didn't even know who was calling as he'd already deleted my number. Well,I introduced myself again, telling him that if he would want us to date,we'd have to go out on five dates and there, I'd let him know on the fifth date if I was interested or not. He agreed to it.

I agreed to date him not because I love him but because of his money and look how this so called money has landed me into this mess.


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